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"A true Afterlife story like this one gives this reader a renewed hope

that we never lose our loved ones."

“I felt like I was living it. I was in the story. It's that good.”
“Wake Me Up! is an absolute riveting read!”
 “I felt as if I knew Lyn personally.”
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Lyn Ragan 

Author, entrepreneur, publisher, re-tired professional Aura Photographer, best-selling author of "Signs From Pets In The Afterlife.

“I hated every minute I had to put this book down.”

Premium Paperback Editions


Once upon a time, Lyn owned a Aura Photography business where she also sold "Chakra" stones and jewelry.


When Lyn shut down her business many years ago, she put everything in storage. Today, she is cleaning house & offering free "Thank You" gifts for purchasing her books.


If you would enjoy a gift with your book(s), simply choose one item from the dropdown in your Cart.

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7-Chakra Balancing Stone Kit

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7-Chakra Chip Stone Bracelet

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7-Chakra Balancing Bead Bracelet

**Items received may not be exact to images displayed. 

“Most intriguing and detailed story about the Afterlife I have ever read.”

"Living in a dream world with my dead fiancé …
how insane would that be?"


This is a true story. Some names, places, and other identifying details were changed to protect a murder investigation and individual privacy.

The timing of events was compressed to facilitate the telling of the story.


Days after his murder, Chip grabbed his fiancé while she laid sleeping.

"I'm not gone, I'm right here," he told her. "You can't see me, but I am here. I'll never leave you. I promise."

When Lyn Ragan started hearing from her deceased lover, she thought she was losing her mind. Not only had the love of her life been ripped away, she was seeing dead people.

Guiding his sweetheart through a twisting plot into the wonder of life beyond death, Chip teaches Lyn how to read the Signs and Messages he shares from the Afterlife. His determination to communicate from the Other Side keeps her focused on his new life, instead of how he died.

Chip's unforgettable visitations, creativity, and ability to leave gifts from the beyond, are remarkable blueprints for proof of life in the Hereafter. Filled with loss, grief, and otherworldly love, this true story will have you on the edge of your seat while you question the nature of life after physical death.

"Death is not the end of who we are, my darlin'," Chip said. "Love can never die. The one Key to everything beautiful is love. Our love lives forever."

What Readers


“You won’t want to put this book down!”


“The love this couple shared came pouring through each page.”


“This story definitely woke me up!”


"Their story is full of heartbreak, love, mystery, drama, but most of all, HOPE!”


“A truly eternal love story.”


“LOVED this book.”


"This book gave me much peace and also validated the many unusual 'messages' and dreams that I have."


"I can honestly say this book has helped me in my journey of grief.”

never stopped
to reflect...
my life
was over."


“Ms. Ragan, we need to run gun powder tests and take pictures of your hands. This test will help to eliminate you and help us move forward with our immediate investigation. Do we have your consent?”


“Yes, sir,” I whispered.


“Okay. I will have one of our processor’s here shortly to perform the test.”


All I could do was nod my head. The tears had accumulated again and busted through fast. My eyes were swollen now, almost shut, but I couldn’t stop the flood. No matter how hard I tried not to cry, I couldn’t turn the faucet off. Everything felt like a horrible dream.

The car door opened again and I stepped out.


The officer sprayed both sides of my hands with a wet substance. It dried quickly. He asked me to hold my hands out, palms down, so I did while he took his pictures.


He then asked for my shoes. I stood there dumbfounded because I didn’t understand what he said, not really.


What? He wants my shoes? Why? I can’t go barefoot.


The officer repeated the question again, but added, “I only need to take pictures.” He must have read my mind.

I removed my muddy sandals and handed them over. He placed them on top of the trunk, took his pictures, and then gave them back. He then reached around me and opened the car door.


“Please get back inside,” he said.


But I didn’t want to get back inside. I wanted to go home. I wanted to go and be with Chip. I wanted out. Out of the horror flick. I wanted to wake the hell up and know that all of this, every last second of it, was a horrible nightmare.


The officer grabbed my shoulder and I felt a gentle push. Just enough to move me forward. I scooted across the hard seat… and cried.


I’m having a nightmare, I just know I am. But why is this happening? What did I do wrong? Why are you dead, Chip? Why didn’t you live?


My cell phone was vibrating.


It snapped me out of my horrid thoughts. My mom was calling this time. She never called me before 9:00 a.m., ever.


I thought about not answering. I knew if I answered she’d be able to tell something was wrong. My finger pushed the button anyway.




“Good morning, sweetie. I know you’re busy, Lyn, but I wanted to ask if you can spare a few minutes today to help me with a project.”


“Not today, Mom.”


She repeated my words, “Not today?”


“No, not today.”


How was I going tell her what happened? To say the words out loud, how was I going to do that? I swallowed hard and then forced them out.


“Chip was murdered, Mom. He was shot in the head this morning and he died at the hospital.” I thought I was going to vomit. I couldn’t believe I’d said those horrible words.


“Oh my God,” she screamed.


I told her I was still sitting in a police car and I didn’t know when I would be allowed to go home.


“I can’t stay on the phone, Mom. I will have to call you later.” I had to hang up. The cop had turned down his radio to listen in and was staring at me through the rearview mirror.


I also didn’t want her to hear my concern. There was a possibility I may not be able to call her later. Having been confined for hours now, it worried me they might arrest me for Chip’s murder. Crazier things have happened.


In this unusual world of sudden horror, I was undeniably trapped. The powerful sadness was overwhelming. I was stuck behind tears that had taken over everything. The wall in front of me was so thick with disbelief; I saw no glimmer of light ahead of me.


Time wouldn’t stop either. It played to the beat of a different drum and refused to allow me the common courtesy to catch up.


Time never stopped to reflect … my life was over.


I needed to get away from the scene of the crime. I had been there long enough and wanted to go home. I desperately needed to get out of the police car.


I looked at the doors but neither had handles on them. I stared up at the cage in front of me, but there was no way out. I was stuck—inside.


I wanted so badly to be with Chip.


I really need to talk to you, my love.


My cell phone vibrated again. This time it was my sister.


I answered as quietly as I could.


“Hey sister.”


“Mom called me. Are you all right?” Her voice was calm but filled with a great deal of concern.


“I’m okay,” the tears had surfaced again. As much as I tried, there were no other words I could speak.


She was beside herself. I heard her dismay. For whatever reason, my focus seemed blurred. Her voice ran around in my head, but I swore she was standing inside a hollow tunnel somewhere.


I didn’t want to talk anyway. I feared if I said anything, I’d be unable to speak it clearly. My thoughts were strong enough—I could hear them—but I knew my voice wouldn’t be.


And then it hit me. Oh my God, it’s her birthday.

“Such an inspiring story that takes you on a big journey.”

Other Afterlife Books by Lyn Ragan

Premium Paperback Editions

By: Lyn Ragan © LS | 2024 All Rights Reserved

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